Chris Eng

Chris Eng

Chris Eng is Chief Research Officer at Veracode. A founding member of the Veracode team, he is responsible for all research initiatives including applied research and product security, as well as advising on product strategy and M&A. Chris is a frequent speaker at industry conferences and serves on the review board for Black Hat USA. He is also a charter member of MITRE's CWE/CAPEC Board. Bloomberg, Fox Business, CBS, and other prominent media outlets have featured Chris in their coverage. Previously, Chris was technical director at Symantec (formerly @stake) and an engineer at the National Security Agency. Chris holds a B.S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the…

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Posts by Chris Eng
  • "We Don't Sell It? Then It…
    | By Chris Eng

    [UPDATE: Since there seems to be some confusion, the "We" in the title of this post is NOT "Veracode". The expression is a generic one intended to illustrate the attitude exhibited by many companies who like to downplay the value and/or effectiveness of technologies that they themselves do not sell…

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  • Whitepaper: A Dose of Reality on…
    | By Chris Eng

    As application inventories have become larger, more diverse, and increasingly complex, organizations have struggled to build application security testing programs that are effective and scalable. New technologies and methodologies promise to help streamline the Secure Development Lifecycle (SDLC),…

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  • HTML5 Security in a Nutshell
    | By Chris Eng

    Lots of people have been asking us for opinions on HTML5 security lately. Chris and I discussed the potential attack vectors with the Veracode research team, most notably Brandon Creighton and Isaac Dawson. Here's some of what we came up with. Keep in mind that the HTML5 spec and implementations…

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  • Is Your BlackBerry App Spying on You?
    | By Chris Eng

    [UPDATE, 2/10/2010: We've written a follow-up blog post to address some of the questions and misconceptions we've been seeing.]  Tyler Shields gave a presentation earlier today at ShmooCon 2010 on the threats of mobile spyware, particularly as it relates to data privacy. Smart phones and…

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  • But That's Impossible!
    | By Chris Eng

    In lieu of actual technical content, and inspired by Jeremiah's blog post, 8 reasons why website vulnerabilities are not fixed, I started thinking about all the different manifestations of reason #8, "No one at the organization knows about, understands, or respects the issue." I polled the Veracode…

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  • How To Protect Your Users From Password…
    | By Chris Eng recently disclosed yet another major breach that compromised the personal data of over 1.3 million users. This is not unlike the previous breach in August 2007, though the attack vector was likely different. From a notice on their website (emphasis mine): We recently learned our…

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