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Lifting the Burden of Security Debt and Its Impact on Risk and Profitability

Thursday, June 27th, 10AM EDT
2024-06-27 10:00:00
Webinar starting in:

About this event

Software is drowning in security debt. Our recent State of Software Security Report found that over 70% of organizations have security debt and nearly half have critical debt. Yet we continue to see this as a growing trend, not one in decline. Organizations need to change their habits in order to lift their burden of security debt, and we have the data behind which habits you need to change to make the most impact, such as:

  • Continuous scanning

  • Developer training

  • AI-powered remediation

Much like a personal fitness journey, you must first identify where you are today and get a clear picture of the benefits of change. Join Veracode’s Chris Wysopal and Chris Eng as well as guest speaker, Forrester senior analyst Janet Worthington for a webinar where we’ll show you how to bridge the gap between where you are today with your AppSec program and where you can be — unlocking the true potential of a secure future.

Meet our speakers:

Chris Wysopal Founder, Chief Technology Officer Veracode
Chris Eng Chief Research Officer Veracode
Janet Worthington Senior Analyst Forrester


Lifting the Burden of Security Debt and Its Impact on Risk and Profitability

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