The View is Better from Here: Introducing a Brave New Veracode

The Latin “vera” indicates truth or reality. When Veracode was founded, this was the essence of our focus – finding truth in code. And specifically, binaries; hence the original brand rooted with the “01”.  

Seventeen years later, we remain committed to our vision – a World where software is developed secure from the start – but to do so today, we are expanding our view, solidifying our point of view, and modernizing how you see us. 

Expanding our View 

In AI-generated, open-sourced, multi-cloud environments, organizations need to see the full picture of risk associated with building, buying and running applications. Since the attack surface for applications is expanding, organizations are looking to unify visibility from code, to containers, to cloud; contextualize and correlate issues to prioritize risk; across the software development life cycle and rapidly remediate across the SDLC at scale.  

To this end, we have enhanced our capabilities and our offerings with investments in AI (Jaroona), DAST (Crashtest), ASPM (Longbow), and most recently malicious package detection (Phylum).  

We’ve also invested in enhancing the developer experience with IDE integrations and repository scanning capabilities, making it easier for developers to secure code while innovating.  

Solidifying our Point of View 

Unlike some other players, we have a strong point of view on application risk management. It’s rooted in the concept of Adaptive Software Security. To be adaptive, platforms must be: 

  • Open: to ingest signals from the wide variety of sources – scanning, cloud security, container security…the best risk management platforms will be tool agnostic. 
  • Contextual: with an ever changing landscape and growing regulations and requirements, risk management platforms must prioritize issues effectively to identify the issues that matter most. 
  • Responsive: with the speed at which AI-generated and open-source code is propagating, risk management platforms must allow for real-time fixes and orchestrated responses so that buyers can reduce the most amount of risk with the least amount of effort.  

Our purpose is to provide you with the most comprehensive, open platform for managing application risk, ensuring software is secure across the entire software supply chain.  

Modernizing how you see us 

In a crowded, competitive and dynamic marketplace, branding is an incredible tool to capture curiosity and interest. We’ve refreshed our look and feel and redesigned our entire website to deliver a better more engaging visitor experience – whether you’re here to learn more about us, our solutions, apply for a job, or partner with us. Welcome.  

What hasn’t changed 

I don’t need to tell you that a brand is not really about colors and fonts and logos. It’s about how we behave, how we speak, and how we make you feel.  

So, one thing that remains true is that we are committed to you – our customers and our partners. We do so with vision into the future, and the courage to solve each challenge along the way. We are passionate about security first, and we want to make sure that every day you feel confident and unconstrained in pursuing your purpose.  

We refer to our brand essence as bravery in motion – it captures what each of us – security leaders, developers, architects, researchers, product and business leaders – exhibit every day. Let’s be brave together.  

Come check as out at an upcoming event online or in person.