Why Trust Matters: A Deep Dive into Our Customer Trust Center

Trust is the cornerstone of any successful relationship. As a security company, we take special care to build and maintain the trust of our customers and partners. That’s why we’ve launched our new Customer Trust Center: to make securing your trust easier than ever. Here’s a look at some of the key features and benefits it offers.

What is the Customer Trust Center?

The Customer Trust Center is a comprehensive platform that provides our customers and partners with transparency, accountability, and peace of mind. Located at trust.veracode.com, it serves as a hub where users can access detailed documentation on our security protocols, ensuring that you are fully informed about how we protect your data.

What are the key features and benefits of the Customer Trust Center?

The key features of the Customer Trust Center include:

  • Security Information: Detailed documentation on our security protocols, practices, and measures.
  • Compliance Reports: Up-to-date compliance certifications and audit reports. Also includes automatically generated Bridge Letters.
  • Privacy Policies: Clear and concise explanations of our privacy policies and data handling practices.
  • FAQ Section: Answers to common questions regarding our security and compliance standards.
  • Resource Library: Access to white papers and other documentation related to our security and compliance efforts.

These features allow you to quickly perform due diligence and access updated compliance information at any time.

Transparency is key, and by openly sharing our up-to-date compliance certifications and audit reports, we provide you with the assurance that our practices meet the highest industry standards.

How do users access the Customer Trust Center?

Confidentiality of Veracode information is paramount, so this platform is protected. Users can access the Customer Trust Center by signing a click-through Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), and access is brokered by the Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) Team.

The artifacts held on this page are not just features for due diligence efforts, but they are the bedrock of our commitment to gaining and preserving customer trust with every action we take. We are proud to share with you this proof that your data is secure, private, and in good hands as we assist you in putting forth high-quality, secure innovations.