Veracode Static Analysis

Industry-leading accuracy and coverage with seamless integration to detect problems before they become expensive vulnerabilities.

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Find more flaws

Coverage for 100’s of languages, flaws, and frameworks.

Avoid false positives

Focus on what matters most with unrivaled accuracy.

Proactively mitigate risk

A developer-friendly workflow that keeps security in control.

Secure code in every phase of development

Find flaws accurately, out of the box

Scan over 100 languages and frameworks with speed and precision. Our unique whole-program analysis and ability to identify exploitable code delivers unmatched accuracy without complex tuning.

Prioritize and fix fast

Find and fix vulnerabilities with real-time feedback and reduce flaws  by up to 60% with IDE scans.

Right scan, right time, every time

Scan where developers work—IDEs, repositories, and CI/CD workflows. Developers can set up, scan, and get results in minutes. 

The Veracode SAST advantage

Enterprise-class SAST

Increased accuracy, workflow integrations, and intuitive interfaces combined with rigorous assurance and compliance.




Triage and Prioritize

Scan and fix in the IDE

Integrate security directly into your developers’ IDEs for real-time feedback. Catch and fix vulnerabilities as code is written to boost efficiency and maintain a secure development lifecycle

Apply policy in your pipeline

Integrate SAST into your CI/CD pipeline for automated, continuous security. Scan code during builds, keeping policy violating flaws from making it into production builds.

Intuitive interfaces

Replace long lists of inaccurate flaws with a GUI that tells you what’s critical, and what to fix first.

17 years of Experience-as-a-Service

Get expert advice and assistance on demand—right in the platform. Our next-generation AI remediation assistant combines nearly two decades of leadership, helping organizations build a robust security practice.

Comprehensive code security suite

Developers: Why security debt is your responsibility

& what you can do about It based on new data

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Harness the power of Veracode

For secure, confident coding to identify
and fix vulnerabilities early.